Registration Management
Handle both individual and group registration flows
High level of configurability
Promote your events using invitations & RSVP
Securely collect and store personal information and related consents
B-Com helps you building registration websites that are totally customizable to fit with any specific registration needs ( business logic, delegate information, services to be sold, etc.)
Delegate’s experience is personalized with dynamic content adapted to his profile, as well as a service catalog that includes registration fees, activities, sessions, hotels, excursions fitting him right.
B-Com sets registration managers a few clicks away from online registration portals without any specific IT knowledge and helps them implement any legal framework related to personal data protection.
No matter the way your registration flow is designed, B-Com can handle it for both individual participants and groups, and on any device.
You can as well adapt the registration experience to specific types of participants and groups; for example collecting more information in the case of an exhibitor and offer free registration to VIPs.
From the graphical identity of your registration website, to the services proposed, going through the information you collect and payment methods, (almost) everything can be configured by your teams without any IT knowledge needed. You can for example:
- Easily create a graphical theme matching your organization or client identity
- Propose registrants to book different types of services such as registration fees, accommodation, social events, booths, etc...
- Show different services or pricings depending on the user profile
- Collect any type of custom information about participants through powerful questionnaires
- Propose different methods for payments
- etc...
B-Com allows you to promote your events using simple "RSVP" or full registration invitations. You can define one or multiple invitation templates and processes, and keep track of of invitations' acceptance or rejection.
B-Com helps you implementing any legal framework related to personal data protection such as the European GDPR by providing you with all the tools you need for that. You can for instance:
- Define your own "consent" forms for each type of user interacting with your data, may it be a participant, a group manager, a supplier or your own people.
- Pseudonymise or anonymise user profiles which are not needed anymore while preserving your analytics capabilities by removing only sensitive information.